Easy Bake Pizza Roll Recipe

This is the perfect lunch or dinner for the whole family! Whether you are in a caravan park in your Bluewater Camper Trailer or camping out in some of the remote Australian outback, this recipe is quick and simple enough that you will have plenty of time to enjoy the things you love!



4 Ciabatta Rolls

Pizza Sauce

Your choice of pizza topping (such as Ham, Salami, Bacon, Pepperoni etc.)

1 cup shredded mozzarella



Cut a square out from the tops of the rolls going most of the way through the roll but not cutting the bottom or sides.

Scoop out some of the bread and discard (or eat if you wish). Then spread the pizza sauce inside the bottom and sides of the roll.

Then put a small amount of mozzarella in the base of the roll, then begin to layer your topping options.

Once you are level with the roll top, ad a bit more mozzarella and then press the lid/top back on.

Wrap in foil and place in oven/camp oven to bake for 15-20 minutes (until the cheese is completely melted.)


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