Servicing Your Camper Trailer With Us

Can you remember the last time you serviced your camper trailer? If you cannot it is probably well overdue for a service. It is very common that trailers are forgotten when it comes to servicing as we do not use them every day like our car. They also do not come up with a reminder light when it is overdue. It is important to check your camper before your next trip to ensure you do not get caught out by an unexpected break down that could cost you more.

All aspects of a camper trailer need to be inspected periodically. From chassis, bearings, brakes, suspension, bushings, cables, latches, tyre condition, tyre pressures, plumbing, electrical (including lights), canvas, couplings, and any other moving parts. A service at any of our Bluewater Camper Trailer outlets includes a thorough inspection of your camper trailer.

This is to make sure that it is safe to tow and give you peace of mind before heading off on your next trip away.

It is suggested that you have your camper serviced annually. If you are a regular user of the camper then you should keep an eye on the kilometres you have travelled and service it every 10,000 km’s. If you are travelling on very rough terrain then you should consider reducing that to every 5000 km’s

We have a few ways that we suggest maintaining your camper trailer. These include keeping your camper trailer under cover where possible. This will protect it from the elements and reduce or remove the risk of damage from falling debris. Water damage is common in trailers as it is easy through deterioration and lack of care for moisture to get into the frame and floor. This is part of the reason it is important to keep your camper trailer covered and to also inspect it after each trip or periodically if trips are not regular.

Check your seals. From door seals to pop up seals and any other moisture protective seals, they need to be checked for leaks regularly. All seals will deteriorate over time due to wear but checking your seals and keeping them clean will prolong the life of them. Also, check your tyres, hubs and bearings. Age, exposure to the elements, lack of use and terrain travelled all decrease the health of these parts. Therefore, they need to be checked, greased, replaced, and/or rotated regularly.

Should your camper trailer be fitted with a gas system is may be required to be checked and re-certified.

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